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Advent of Code 2022 - Day 6

The elves gave us a malfunctioning communication device, now we need to build software to help fix it.


The input for this problem takes the form of a single line, consisting of assorted ASCII characters. For simplicity of testing, I tweaked the input a little, making it a series of multiple lines of characters, where each line is a complete problem input. When attempting to get the solution for the actual problem, the input will just be a single line, that line being our input, and we'll just take the first of each solution output.


As our processing involves us processing each line, the input parsing for this problem can just use the normal input loading snippet I use as the basis for most problems.

let inputData =
    (System.IO.File.ReadAllText "Day6/input.txt")
        .Split "\n"
val inputData: string array =
  [|"mjqjpqmgbljsphdztnvjfqwrcgsmlb"; "bvwbjplbgvbhsrlpgdmjqwftvncz";
    "nppdvjthqldpwncqszvftbrmjlhg"; "nznrnfrfntjfmvfwmzdfjlvtqnbhcprsg";

Solving the problem - part one

For part one, we need to find the number of characters which need to be processed before the first sequence of 4 non-repeating characters is found.

To do this, for each line I:

  • Convert the line to an array of characters
  • Convert that array into a series of sliding windows of each 4 character sequence
  • For each window, convert the array into a set and get the length of that set
  • Find the index at which there is the first value of 4, meaning the conversion to a set never removed any duplicate characters
  • Add 4 to the index, as the index does not include the characters in the window itself we had to check to ensure they were not duplicates.

This results in the following code:

let partA =
    |> (fun line ->
        |> Array.ofSeq
        |> Array.windowed 4
        |> (fun window -> (window |> Set.ofArray |> Set.count))
        |> Array.findIndex (fun uniqueCount -> uniqueCount = 4)
        |> (fun index -> index + 4))
val partA: int array = [|7; 5; 6; 10; 11|]

Solving the problem - part two

For part two, the only change is the size of the window. As a result, I can just copy/paste all the code for part one and change any instances of 4 to 14 (the new window size).

let partB =
    |> (fun line ->
        |> Array.ofSeq
        |> Array.windowed 14
        |> (fun window -> (window |> Set.ofArray |> Set.count))
        |> Array.findIndex (fun uniqueCount -> uniqueCount = 14)
        |> (fun index -> index + 14))
val partB: int array = [|19; 23; 23; 29; 26|]

Cleaning up

As per usual, the first step in cleanup is to combine the code for part one and two. As the only difference is a single number in a few places, that number can just be made an argument to trivially make the solution work for both parts.

let findMarker (size: int) (input: string []) : int [] =
    |> (fun line ->
        |> Array.ofSeq
        |> Array.windowed size
        |> (fun window -> (window |> Set.ofArray |> Set.count))
        |> Array.findIndex (fun uniqueCount -> uniqueCount = size)
        |> (fun index -> index + size))

let partA = inputData |> findMarker 4
let partB = inputData |> findMarker 14
val findMarker: size: int -> input: string array -> int array

val partA: int array = [|7; 5; 6; 10; 11|]
val partB: int array = [|19; 23; 23; 29; 26|]

Next, I wanted to get rid of the inline functions I was defining just to use simple operators. I learned that in F# you can use (OPERATOR) (so, for example, (+)) in order to get an operator as a function, so I used this to replace the functions passed to Array.findIndex and the last step in the pipeline with simple operator compositions, resulting in the following slightly cleaned function:

let findMarker (size: int) (input: string []) : int [] =
    |> (fun line ->
        |> Array.ofSeq
        |> Array.windowed size
        |> (fun window -> (window |> Set.ofArray |> Set.count))
        |> Array.findIndex ((=) size)
        |> (+) size)

let partA = inputData |> findMarker 4
let partB = inputData |> findMarker 14
val findMarker: size: int -> input: string array -> int array

val partA: int array = [|7; 5; 6; 10; 11|]
val partB: int array = [|19; 23; 23; 29; 26|]

Finally, since I was confident in my solution and didn't need the extra testability, I removed the handling of multi-line inputs to simplify the code, resulting in the following final answer:

let inputData =
    (System.IO.File.ReadAllText "Day6/input.txt")

let findMarker (size: int) (input: string) : int =
    |> Array.ofSeq
    |> Array.windowed size
    |> (fun window -> (window |> Set.ofArray |> Set.count))
    |> Array.findIndex ((=) size)
    |> (+) size

let partA = inputData |> findMarker 4
let partB = inputData |> findMarker 14
val inputData: string = "mjqjpqmgbljsphdztnvjfqwrcgsmlb"

val findMarker: size: int -> input: string -> int

val partA: int = 7
val partB: int = 19